Monday, November 29, 2010

tell them about your maybe

when andrew and i were engaged there was a possibility... a maybe if you will... that we would be living in a lake house for our first summer of marriage. my dad thought this was the coolest thing. every time anyone came over my dad would say, "tell them about your maybe." slightly embarrassed, i would tell them about my maybe and my dad would beam with pride and excitement for his daughter.

so i've told ya'll about my biggest maybe as of late... pt school. well my maybe has become a yes. after all my questioning and uncertainty the Lord my God has given me some pretty clear affirmation that this is the plan that he has for me. i applied to 5 schools. so far i have gotten 3 interviews and 1 acceptance letter. if that is not a green light i don't know what is.

this is a picture of me at our maybe lake that we did get to live at during our first wonderful summer of life together. it looks like i am walking on water and reminds me of the story of peter when he walked on water (matthew 14:22-23).

just like peter, i asked the Lord to call me out onto the water. i prayed that if this was his plan for me that he would open doors or firmly shut them if not. as i prepare to step out of the boat, my prayer now is that i will keep my eyes fixed on Him alone and should i begin to fear and doubt, that i would cry out to the One who SAVES.


1 comment:

  1. Randalyn!

    Samantha stumbled upon your blog. It's so well-written. I'm very proud of you. And that is a lovely picture.

