Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Big Race

I have been training with my sister-in-law, Jamie, to run a 10k.

I know. I know. It's a fairly short distance to be "training" for. But we are. So don't laugh.

I have never been a runner. I have never enjoyed running. Swimming I can do. But running, no. When I was on a club swim team we would run some in the off seasons. I was always last by a considerable amount which made me despise running that much more.

I'm still not fast by any means but I'm actually starting to enjoy running. Some of the things that make running fun for me now are:

1. I have someone else to run with. Jamie is a great encourager and motivator. Plus we always have things to talk about which keeps our mind off of the pain... or the heat... or the humidity (oh the humidity!).

2. We have a goal. We are signed up for a 10k race on October 16. Los Chupacabras de DFW. It's a night trail run!! What could be more fun? The t-shirt had nothing to do with it...

3. I feel so accomplished and I know I am doing my body good. This past weekend we ran 4 miles in one run! That is the farthest I have run at one time and although I was sweaty and smelly and exhausted I felt so good afterwards. That lazy, self-conscious, worthless feeling you get from sitting around for weeks is replaced with energy and confidence. Sometimes it's hard to motivate yourself to get started but it is always worth it when you're finished.

4. My daddy is proud of me. Ok, maybe that is just icing on the cake. He used to be a runner. I didn't get those genes but I'm doing my best.

We are running 4.5 miles this weekend and I am truly looking forward to it! 6.2 here come!!


1 comment:

  1. I love the blog! This entry just re-motivated me to stay on track with our training program. In fact, I think I'll go run right now =).
